  • Addiction Recovery
  • Addiction Treatment Centers
  • Mental Health
  • Recovery Companions & Transportation
  • Residential Treatment Centers
  • Services
  • Sober Livings

Privacy Policy


This Master Services Agreement pertains to all services listed on the websites and is between Sober Space Recovery, which is referred to as (“We, Us, Kaizen Recovery Inc.”), and all of Kaizen Recovery Inc’s properties which includes Move Up Marketing Group, “Sober Space Recovery housed on www.soberspacerecovery.com,” and the Client which is a signatory hereto the name of the company or individual we are working with, and who this contract applies to, and the Professional which is a signatory hereto the name of the third party company or individual the actual work is being performed by. It is made effective as of the date of the order. In this contract, the “Client” refers to (the company(s) legal name, or individual) ordering the service or who is receiving the digital personal property in exchange for monies. In this contract, the “Professional” refers to (the company(s) legal name, or individual) performing and delivering the service.

Please note that this entire Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions covers all properties listed above. And to use any of our sites, you must agree to waive us of all liability in entirety. If not, please refrain from using our sites.



This Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions applies to www.soberspacerecovery.com and is a subsidiary under Move Up Marketing LLC and Kaizen Recovery Inc. This is a niche review site for businesses that are in the field of addiction recovery. Hence, addiction rehabs, sober livings, in-patient programs, intensive out-patient programs, and others mentioned in the category are welcome to upload their listings free-of-charge on our website. Visitors seeking addiction recovery may visit our website freely provided they agree to this privacy policy and terms and conditions. We are not legally liable for any damages caused by you using this website. If you do not agree please do not use this website. Our terms and conditions and privacy policy are subject to change at any time at our discretion.


This Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions applies to all websites on www.moveupsites.com. Move Up Sites is a subsidiary under Move Up Marketing Group and caters toward small businesses. All websites site under the umbrella of Kaizen Recovery Inc.

OUR AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS -please note that we receive affiliate commissions from products purchased through our links on our moveupsites.com blog area: https://moveupsites.com/blog/ on all pages within and through social media links which are tied into our privacy policy here. Bios on social media platforms do not allow for explanation related to affiliates. All blog posts will mention affiliate disclaimers. Social Media links will have our Etsy brand in there but Etsy will have our www.moveupsites.com link in it- which automatically ties in. Thank you.

The Client of (Move Up Sites, www.moveupsites.com )agrees to hold Move Up Marketing Group, its owner: Linda Jordan, and Move Up’s agents, employees, subsidiaries, TMT Creators Hub, Facebook Groups, and Facebook Inc., and the third party companies and individuals that are referred to by Move Up, harmless for any type of incidental, punitive, indirect or consequential damages, including, but not limited to: lost revenue, lost profits, lost time, replacement goods, loss of technology, rights or services, loss of data, or interruption or loss of use of service or equipment, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, whether arising under theory of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, strict liability, acts of GOD, wars, strikes, government restrictions or regulations, or (in the absence of Move Up’s own negligence) any of the above-stated occurrences arising from the use of Move Up’s services, and or from use of any vehicle (tools, automotives) utilized for completing a service or selection thereof, or from any act of omission by Move Up’s owners: Linda Jordan, Move Up’s agents, and employees. Therefore, Move Up Marketing Group shall have no liability. Upon using this website, (Client) agrees to defend and indemnify Kaizen Recovery Inc., Us and Owner: Linda Jordan, its agents, and employees and hold them harmless for any damage or injury, including attorneys fees, and cause by the act or omission of the subcontracted worker(s). This obligation applies whether or not the third party company and or individual was negligent, excepting the sole negligence or intentional conduct of the third company party and or individual in which case, only the third party company and or individual could only be liable. This agreement becomes effective upon execution of this confirmation and shall be governed by the laws of California.

Please refrain from using this site and or from purchasing service from us if you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy stated in this Master Service Agreement. We reserve the right to update this agreement at any time at our discretion.


This Agreement states the terms and conditions by which We will deliver and Client will obtain pertaining to any or all of the services provided by Us, including managed services, professional/support services, content delivery and third party services.


We agree to do the following: 1.) Complete the tasks/services as promised to the best of our abilities. 2.) Fulfill our Scope as described in each individual agreement. 3.) Provide timely and courteous response


By agreeing to our terms, you the Client must do the following: 1.) Pay us a non-refundable payment based on Contract terms. 2.) Provide us with the content, images, links they want in their landing pages or websites within the first week of working with us. 3.) If delays are caused by client, we are not responsible. If delays are on our end, please accept our apology as we may have to hire more staff. 4.) The timeline listed of 1-2 weeks for a landing page is an average timeline for landing page, it could go over however if there is lack of communication. The website timeline listed of 3-4 weeks is a standard turn-around timeline for a website, but again, we could go over if there is lack of communication. Our support will be by your side to take care of your needs.


By agreeing to our terms, you the Professional must do the following: 1.) Provide the client with great customer service and quality work. 2.) Adhere to our 1099 Agreement which you signed and agreed to. 3.) Agree again that We are never liable for payments that Clients did not make pertaining to work you did.


Late Payments: If the Client cannot pay the professional the requested remaining amount at the time (tax inclusive for tangible property transferred and received; does not apply for web designs or online service) on the day that the project has been finished, all online orders concerned will be automatically terminated and Client will not be able to select or utilize any of the concepts that was given to the Client. At this point, the professional will have no further obligation to the Client. While notwithstanding We reserve the right in its sole discretion to terminate the Client’s access to all or a portion of the Service at any time with or without notice. In the event of such termination, the monies previously received for the order will not be refunded. Since the package is a one-time buy, there should be no late payments.

Paypal Issues: Please contact if you have an issue with your purchase and would like for it to be resolved. We are amicable, and if the situation requires a fair solution, we will provide it. So please contact us first. Thank you. Please note, if you do not want the website or landing page and paid for it, but contact us within 24 hours, we can award a refund as we did not start the project. After 24 hours we cannot.

Chargebacks: We do not allow it. As such, by purchasing a website package from us, you agree to not do any chargebacks. If you plan on charging back, please do not purchase from us. Any customer who charges back, does not respect our design team’s time, effort, brain power or energy and we would rather not work with them.

*For any website purchased from www.moveupsites.com, we will put our domain name at the very bottom inconspicuously. To not have this, we charge $50.


PayPal Issues: All disputes regarding Paypal will be brought to Paypal management.

Charge backs: Any charge back issue will be turned over to an external collection agency and may be pursued to the full extent of the law. Ideally, before placing the charge back call to the credit card company, Client should bring up the issue and discuss a solution for it with Us so this drastic action can be avoided. Each agreement will have a clause to waive any chargebacks, should you not accept that clause, please do not sign the agreement.


The Client is responsible for any applicable taxes for the purchase of tangible personal property, and this sales tax of 7.75% will be added to the total and must be paid by the Client to the service provider in addition to the total sum requested.

5.) FEES

The Client will not be liable for any extra fees. The Client is only responsible for paying what he owes Us. If Client is late in paying, there will be a late payment fee of 1% of the total amount per week added as interest. If Client has not paid the full amount he owes after 30 days, the charge may be sent to a third-party collection agency. We will make every attempt to notify Client of late payment and penalties, but we will turn over the account if necessary to collect payment.


The client understands and agrees that We have the right in its sole discretion to pre-review, refuse or get rid of any project that is illegal, obscene, indecent, slander, stimulates religious, racial or ethnic hatred or violates the rights of others.


The details of your order will be given only to those who are processing your order. Those who are processing your order may include Move Up owners, staff and subcontracted members, as well as third-party companies. All of your credit card information and Paypal information is held by Paypal, and neither We nor any third-party service provider has access to any of that information. All online money matters are directly handled by Paypal. Otherwise, if there are transactions made outside of Paypal, these transactions are directly handled by third party companies which we have referred to you, and we are not responsible or liable for any of the transactions you: the Client has with third parties we simply refer and do not act as Liasons of.


During the order process, until the order has been fulfilled and has been given to the Client in exchange for cash, the Client does not own any materials, media or other content created during the revisions leading up to the final product. Once the sale is made, and the product is given to the Client, the product is the Client’s. However, the Client shall agree to allow Us to use their work as samples on their website or other promotional materials in a royalty-free manner granting Move Up (Us) exclusive worldwide rights to use the original as well as the modified and updated versions of the product in any way We want to use them. Client must also agree that the professionals they work with also have the rights to all of the ideas and products that were not selected by the Client.


We collect certain types of personal information. This is what you provide to us voluntarily when you use our website and opt in using our contact form. If we have trackers we may also track your user behavior. And any and all actions you take may be tracked and collected.

Personal information could include names, phone numbers, and email addresses. All payment transaction information is collected through third-party payment processors such as Paypal or Authorize.net. Your social media information may be collected during the time of building your website. All this is with your consent and after you send it to us.

Technological Information

Information such as your IP address, browser cookies, referring URLs, location, device characteristics, operating system information, device name and any and all other technological information that auto collects will be collected.


We use your personal information for business. In order to work with you as our client or if you downloaded our Ebook and may be a future customer for a published and payable eBook, we may be using your information to remarket to you. Either way, you are complying with our legal obligations and giving us express consent to process your information and have us fulfill our contract with you.

This is what we use:

Here are some of the ways we may use your personal information:

-To create a login area if applicable.

-To use your reviews in a testimonial area of our website which may be taken from third-party sites like Google, Facebook or others.

-To communicate with you via email, chat, or text

-Sending product, service or promotional information

-To keep our services well protected, secure and to monitor fraud and prevent it.

-For potential legal purposes in case of a legal request.

-For giveaways and or contests

-To provide our services

-To provide customer service and support

-For direct email marketing with option to opt-out and offering discounts or information that is beneficial.

For targeted ads tailored to you per Google ads or Etsy ads or Facebook ads if any are used for this website.


We understand your personal information is really important and as such, we will only share it with your consent which you are giving to us by using our websites. (We are not liable however for third-party hackers who may potentially steal it; as this happens in the cyber world) We will be sharing your information for legitimate business interests and purposes such as an exit plan or sale of our company, working with third-party vendors, advertisers, affiliates that helped obtain your information, when we process your information during a contractual agreement, in public comments or reviews that we may show on our website and or social media.

We may also share your information if we are legally obligated to in order to comply with any and all government authorities, requests, court orders and any related law enforcement orders.


All websites use cookies and tracking technologies to collect and store your information and this is something we do as well. Web beacons, pixels, and third-party tracking tools may track and measure your browsing and shopping activities. If you don’t want to be tracked you can refuse cookie tracking in your settings.

We are not responsible for the tracking technologies used by any third-party websites that may be connected to us such as hosting providers, plugins, ad tools, ads, affiliate links, external SEO links e.t.c. All payment processors are responsible for payment issues.


We do have plugins and have Windows Defender anti-virus measures in place, and may have additional security measures in place but even with this, no data is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee or promise that your data will not be stolen, accessed or changed by hackers, cybercriminals and other unauthorized parties. Thus by using our website, you agree that we are not legally liable in any way if your information is indirectly leaked, accessed, stolen, and or used in a manner that you do not consent to.




The Client of any of our other websites (including GET FAME site, TMT Creators Hub, Orange County Business Networking Group, its owner: Linda Jordan, and Move Up’s agents, employees, subsidiaries, Facebook Groups, and Facebook Inc., and the third party companies and individuals that are referred to by Move Up Sites or Move Up Marketing Group, related social media or websites, hold Move Up Marketing Group and Kaizen Recovery Inc. harmless for any type of incidental, punitive, indirect or consequential damages, including, but not limited to: lost revenue, lost profits, lost time, replacement goods, loss of technology, rights or services, loss of data, or interruption or loss of use of service or equipment, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, whether arising under theory of contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, strict liability, acts of GOD, wars, strikes, government restrictions or regulations, or (in the absence of Move Up’s own negligence) any of the above-stated occurrences arising from the use of Move Up’s services, and or from use of any vehicle (tools, automotives) utilized for completing a service or selection thereof, or from any act of omission by Move Up’s owners: Linda Jordan, Move Up’s agents, and employees. Therefore, Move Up Sites and Move Up Marketing Group and Kaizen Recovery Inc. and related sites and social media channels shall have no liability. Upon using this website, (Client) agrees to defend and indemnify Us and Owner: Linda Jordan, its agents, and employees and hold them harmless for any damage or injury, including attorneys fees, and cause by the act or omission of the subcontracted worker(s). This obligation applies whether or not the third party company and or individual was negligent, excepting the sole negligence or intentional conduct of the third company party and or individual in which case, only the third party company and or individual could only be liable. This agreement becomes effective upon execution of this confirmation and shall be governed by the laws of California.

10.) GDPR

GDPR is enforced in the EU currently but may be enforced in the US. As such, we have always listed our data protection information. On our servers which for this website we use Fast Comet, we are protected under their security. For payment processing, the third partyprocessors will be responsible for the security regarding any and all payments. GDPR is primarily for EU citizens but also applies to any website that sells to EU citizens. Under Articles 17 & 18, We as Company are to: Give data subjects more control over personal data; even allowing personal data under certain circumstances to be erased.

Under GDPR Article 8, the age of consent (when a child is required or able to give consent to process their data is 16.) In other states however it could go as low as 13. On Move Up Sites, we respect the young entrepreneurs and have listed the consent age as 16.

Articles 23 & 30 states: If your data is lost or exposed, we need to implement reasonable data protection measures. Our most important information of yours is handled by third party services as mentioned above. Hosting company, and payment processors.

Articles 31 & 32 state: We need to contact you within 72 hours of learning of data breaches. We will certainly do so. Again, all sensitive information is handled by our third-party company partners whom we hire.

Articles 33 & 33a state: Data Protection impact assessments must be conducted. Our third-party partners will do these as they see fit in an event of a breach.

Article 35 states: Data protection officers must be appointed and supervised if the company processing the data handles genetic data, health, racial, religious and other very personal information. We are not such a Company.

Articles 36 & 37 state: The proper authorized parties must handle data sensitive information, and any and all breaches. Our third party companies will do so as they see fit.

Article 45 states that even if a website isn’t EU based, if it serves EU customers, this GDPR policy will apply to them. We are local, and our events are local; thus for the most part, GDPR will not apply to us.

Article 79 -GDPR non-compliance applies to EU citizens and outlines penalties for non-compliance to those that are EU or those that serve EU.


Every part of this website is protected by copyright laws. You may not copy any part of this website without prior written permission from Move Up Marketing Group and all owners first.